Sunday, March 30, 2008

week 4 scavanger hunt using search engines!!

I found the 3 first using a Norwegian search engine named

1. Who was the creator of the infamous "lovebug" computer virus?

The lovebug virus was created by a phillipino school dropout named Onel de Guzman.


2. Who invented the paper clip?

The inventor of the paperclip was a genius Norwegian man named Johan Vaaler!! Woohoooo!!


3. How did the Ebola virus get its name?

There are different answers to this one it seems. Some say it comes from the Hantaan River in Korea, and some say a river in Africa. Some are even more specific and say it comes from the Ebloa River, which flow in Congo.


The 3 next I found using

4. What country had the largest recorded earthquake?

The largest earthquake ever recorded was in Chile on the 22nd of May 1960.

It reached a magnitude of about 9.5 on the Richter’s scale.


5. In computer memory/storage terms, how many kilobytes in a terabyte?

There is about 1 billion kilobytes in a terabyte. Or to be more specific, there is about 1,073,741,824kb in a TB.


6. Who is the creator of email?

The creator of Email is Ray Tomlinson in 1971 actually! That’s a long time ago.


The next two I found at

7. What is the storm worm, and how many computers are infected by it?

The Storm Worm is a computer virus launched in mid-January 2007. It contains some vicious Trojans and Systemfile “duplicates”.


8. If you wanted to contact the prime minister of australia directly,
what is the most efficient way?


The Last two I found at

9. Which Brisbane-based punk band is Stephen Stockwell (Head of the School
of Arts
) a member of?

Black Assassin. Couldn’t find anything about it on this searchengine but I heard it in class so I looked it up on Google.


10. What does the term "Web 2.0" mean in your own words?

Web 2.0 is more or less the next level of internet, which takes the common man more and more into the internet. Sort of speak…

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Some pics from back home

New ways of life?

If I stopped and really thought about how much we rely on all the new technologies, it freaks me out a little. But I'm so glad that I have them, because if I would have to wait for a letter or a postcard to arrive, instead of just logging on to my email account and send an email back home, I would never have come here. It feels good to have your family just a couple of mouseclicks away.
My generation is probably the most technological generation, or at least the one who uses it the most. All the little gadgets we got for everything, like Ipods and mobile phones, really makes us all technological. I guess you could say we have come one with the technological wonders of our time, because they are a part of our everyday life whether we want it or not.

But like everything else in this world, I think this is something we should be careful with. I don't believe that "the Matrix" actually is going to happen, but it is a slight possibility that technologies, one day, will rule our lives more than we do. For some I guess it has already happened.

They asked me to consider if I got any friends whom I only meet on the internet and if I'm different to them than to others. I don't have many, but some there definetly are. Our conversations tend to be pretty normal, but sometimes I catch myself in being someone I'm not at all. I guess if you have never met someone and you talk with them online, you will have more guts and try to be something you're not. On the other hand, I think we should be careful when we are online because there are lots of bad elements out there who could take whatever information you provide and use it for more doubtful arts. For instance, a couple of weeks ago, I saw this clip on youtube about this internet based group of people who collected emails, passwords and nicks all over the web, posted it on their site, and used it to target those unlucky people and harass them in the worst kind of ways. They used death threats, said nasty things, filled up their profiles with gay porn pictures or changed their profile pictures and so on.
This makes online privacy really come into focus. I know I'm pretty careful when I leave information out on the web, or I at least consider if I think it's safe enough to leave personal or sensitive information on sites. It could be really fatal if you, for instance, left your credit-card information on a site which stole your information somehow, and used it to empty your bank accounts.

Not good at all.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Welcome to my corner!

My name is Chris, a hard working student at the Griffith university on the Gold Coast, in the state of Queensland, Australia. I'm originally from Norway (that is in northern Europe, like Scandinavia),
but I decided to come out here to study instead of back home. We actually have a debate back home at this point about international students, and why Norwegian students don't want to study whole degrees in other countries. It's a good debate, because it might get to the point where I get more financial support to study down here!

This is a blog we had to make during my first semester in a course called New Communication Technologies. In this course, we learn about the pros and cons concerning communication technologies in the 20Th and 21st century. We debate these pros and cons and trying to figure out and establish a basic knowledge about this stuff. It's quite interesting to be honest.
This is actually all new to me, and I'm a bit excited about this all university thing.
I haven't been in school for about 3 years now and it's quite weird to be back, especially here, where everything differs from high school and Norwegian universities.

When I'm done here I'm hoping to have learned enough to get into the Norwegian film school.
I have really been wavering about what to study and what to do when I'm done, but making screenings is really funny. I've been doing some amateur movies back home but it's not much to shout about. I'm just hoping it interests me enough to keep that track, because I really want to do something exciting, and movie making looks so cool. Just to be able to see actors in action, see everything from the set, through a camera, from different angles in different light settings, and then be able to go and cut the whole thing into a movie. It sounds incredible. The downside might be the bad reviews and lack of audience at the cinemas. But I could always join a documentary crew or a news team.

But studies isn't the only thing that lured me to Australia.
While I'm here, I'm hoping to see most of the country as possible, and maybe be able to go to New Zealand as well. I'm definitely going to try to test out your mountains and ski slopes on a snowboard, because I love snowboarding, and other board styles as well.
Picking up surfing is also a thing on my to-do list. It would be fun to hit the waves and feel the adrenaline while riding the waves, because I think it will be something totally different than riding down powdery and snowy slopes in the mountains.

I think that is enough said about me.

I'll be back later on with some more of Adams task